Chanel and pre owned Chanel designer bags, shoes and clothes
Mention Chanel to a large numbr of the population and most will instantly recognise this word as one of the most pretigious designer brands for decades. Originally founded by Gabrielle Chanel, an ophan from Saumur, France, "Coco", as she had become known as, opened a hat boutique at 21 rue Cambon under the name Chanel Modes in 1910. In 1921 she launched the perfume No5, which is still one of the most popular perfumes today.
When it comes to Chanel bags, shoes and clothes, three words that are frequently used to describe the products are classic, timeless and elegant. The Chanel designer bags feature the higest quality materials with the iconic quilted pattern. The Chanel designer clothes and shoes also have a timeless classic look which sustains the demand for the products decade after decade.