Vintage Boo Boo is one of the leading buyers of Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton and other Luxury brand handbags, clothes and accessories. We ensure that we utilise our extensive knowledge of fashion luxury goods and provide trusted authenticity to ensure that all products sold through our website and store are verified.

We can either purchase your item outright, or accept your product on consignment and charge fees and commissions once your product has sold.

 The price that we will offer you will be based on a number of factors that take into consideration the popularity of the style, item condition, estimated time to sell the bag, the age of the bag, among other factors.  All purchase prices are negotiated on an item by item basis, but typically we pay between 70% and 80% of the market price, depending on the dollar value of the item. We will hold your item for up to 90 days as per our consignment agreement.

Bags consigned with us have the potential for a greater payout than outright purchase and may be a preferable option for those having store fresh bags seeking to maximize the return on their bags. Most used bags are taken only on consignment or toward a trade of a bag we have in stock.  Used bags must be in mint or near mint condition consistent with the quality expectations of the Vintage Boo Boo customer. 

STEP 1 - get an estimate

Complete our selling form below with as much information as possible with relation to your products, the condition, accessories, the condition, and any packaging that comes with the item.

If you have an expectation of price please indicate this on the form.

Add as many photographs as you can showing close up high resolution images from around and inside the item, with particular reference to any labels, logos and stiching.

We will contact you with an estimage for your item.


Once you have agreed our estimate, we will send you a contract for your agreement and signature and a label for shipping. We will cover the cost of shipping and insurance as part of the contract.

All items realting to the product including packaging, boxes, labels, paperwork and accessories must be packaged securely with the item. We suggest also using bubble wrap or package fillers to reduce the risk of damage


Upon receipt of the item, we will inspect it and refine the final price if necessary. If this is required we will contact you with the amended price.

Upon agreement, you will be paid normally within 14 working days.

The method of payment is your option however typically payments are completed via electronic bank transfer.

Please complete the form below
